Quincy & Me

Quincy & Me

Quincy & Me, Pet-Assisted Therapy Team QuincyandMe.com The Challenge Lisa and Quincy love what they do, and people love them. It was time to get a simple presence on the web so their clients could more easily share and refer to the site. The Goals Have a one-page,...
Grace Dulude, Yoga & Therapy

Grace Dulude, Yoga & Therapy

Grace Dulude, Mind/Body Therapist GraceDulude.com The Challenge Grace had no web presence. Zero. Zilch. Working with the talented Deb at Message Artist, she honed her message and they came to me to put it online. The Goals Project a professional site that also...
Pat Ferguson Quilts

Pat Ferguson Quilts

Pat Ferguson Quilts, Quilt Shop PatFergusonQuilts.com The Challenge Pat came to me in 2014, after I created the Narragansett Bay Quilters’ Association site. She had been using a complicated shopping cart that a programmer set up for her. Unfortunately, it was...