NORML RI, Non-profit Action Org.

The Challenge

NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), establihed in 1970, has re-established the Rhode Island Chapter to address issues currently front and center in states around the country. They needed an open-minded, professional developer to help accomplish their needs.

The Goals

  • Create a resource tool for information and action items
  • Enact payment solutions to enable membership signup and donations
  • Extend the reach to social media through site integration
  • Implement 3rd-party tools, such as newletter signups and action items from the National NORML HQ.
  • Spread the word!

The Solution

With the help of many talented, dedicated board members (full disclosure, I am one), we gathered content, locally and nationally, integrated newsletter signup forms, researched legislative tools, and are poised to address the recent budget proposal put forth to legalize recreational marijuana in Rhode Island beginning in 2020. As a grass roots organization, integration is key, and NORML RI is now able to make the most use of the resources provided.

Take a look!

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